Takaaki Yagi
Born in 1973, lives in Tokyo, Japan. After dropping out of Tamagawa University, he studied contemporary art at two art school. Since 1997, he has been exhibiting his installation works mainly in solo and group exhibitions. After working for a design company for three years, he established FORM::PROCESS in 2002 and has been active as an art director and designer, winning The One Show GOLD in 2007 and other advertising and design awards in Japan and abroad.
In parallel, he has been creating experimental art works, and this site introduces his personal works that he has created intermittently since 1994 until recently.
In parallel, he has been creating experimental art works, and this site introduces his personal works that he has created intermittently since 1994 until recently.
八木 崇晶
1973年生、東京都在住。玉川大学芸術学科中退後、美学校・Bゼミで現代美術を学ぶ。1997年から個展やグループ展でインスタレーション作品を中心に発表。デザイン会社に3年半ほど在籍した後、2002年にはFORM::PROCESSを設立しアートディレクター・デザイナーとして活動しており、2007年のThe One Show GOLD他国内外の広告やデザインのアワードで受賞している。
FORM::PROCESS [Design Studio] https://www.form-process.com